Wednesday, August 8, 2007

get bach

I'm back, after five days of visiting southern central NSW, normal transmission has resumed. Our time at the astro observatory was awesome, but that in a later post. We spent two days in Canberra and visited the National War Memorial twice, the National Art Gallery, National Zoo and Aquarium, and the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex. The latter was about 30km south west of the city and was utterly brilliant. I admit a leaning towards radio telescopes such as the Parkes Observatory rather than just comm centers but the visitors center at CSSCC captured me utterly. A 26m (85ft), two 35m (115ft), and the 70m (230ft) antennas dominate the bush skyline and the display of rocket and space electronics evolution was really cool. There was even a bit of rock picked up by Buzz Lightminute Aldrin on longterm loan from NASA to CSSCC.
My copy of book of The Right Stuff is out on loan at present, but from memory the pivotal moment for Mr Pete Conrad was the Barium Enema examination aftermath which involved his commanding officers desktop. I did find a reference to an abstract conception test where he implied that a blank card was being held upside down. But the Net is like that.
There were more than 500 young guns listed by NASA for consideration for the Mercury program. 110 were test pilots with the required 1500 hrs flight time and specialty in jet aircraft. 32 young dudes made it into phase two at Lovelace Clinic in New Mexico.

Secondary question: Someone went astray. Who was he?

The main question: the physiologic data collected from the 31 Mercury candidates at Lovelace may be compared to the subset of the 7 selected astronauts. Which of the only single following categories did the selected 7 astronauts score lower in than the total mean candidate group? Height, Weight, Body surface area, Lean body mass, Total body potasium, Total body water, Total body blood volume, Nitrogen clearance, and Exercise oxygen uptake.
(don't look at this hint unless you admit defeat)

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