No, not Mr Levey. This man was in power in Australian government when I emigrated to Australia as a child in the mid 1970s. As a country lad, with country values, and being influenced my parent's politics, such as they were, I thus revered the 1976 Prime Minister Fraser as the right and proper leader of Australia.
Years passed and my observation of the Australian political machine changed my views on where I should cast my vote. My estimation of the potential of the right and left philosophies on positive social justice moved me away from a dogmatic concrete voting stance, and allowed me to swing according to any espoused pre-election promised position, and by the apparent integrity of the standing candidates. Years of bilateral lies and truth distortion carried me to of position of political apathy.
Last year while attending the Byron Bay Writer's Festival, I was privileged to hear Mr Fraser respond to an arrogant interviewer's historical colouring of Australia's political freedom in the world of our mad monk. I realised that Malcolm Fraser hadn't drifted from his original principles, rather both the ALP and the LNP had drifted significantly right, and he found himself aligned with his old adversaries. He shut up that interviewer's stale dismissal bleating by admitting that Gough Whitlam was now a good friend.
His voice will be sadly missed by the Australia that values people and social justice above business and mere bookkeeping aimed at fortifying those that rape Australia's resources.
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